Ephraim Inn – Bed And Breakfast

Peril: Fire

Claim Summary

Quick Stats

Building, contents & business income settlement in excess of $3,000,000.00

Room contents consisted of one of a kind antiques acquired from around the world.

Compromise actual cash value settlement giving complete flexibility to the insured.

A large family owned bed and breakfast inn suffered a major fire loss causing severe structural damage to the inn over the new year’s weekend.

Facing the daunting task of navigating the severe winter weather as well as their insurance company, ownership turned to the experts at Morgan Ryan, Inc. as public adjusters.

The Morgan Ryan in house building estimating team assessed the areas that required temporary shoring for safety, and in conjunction with local contractors secured the building.

Once secured, in house inventory personal began the post loss physical inventory of each room each of which were decorated differently. Damaged contents to the common areas of the inn along with the commercial kitchen were documented.  Several hundred photographs were taken in support of the inventory.  Once completed, replacement cost pricing for all items were researched and documented.

In conjunction with a local structural engineer, detailed unit cost building claim was prepared.  Supported by state of the art software and supported by certain sub-contractor estimates the building claim a prepared allowed for the most favorable recovery.

Due to seasonality and the prospect of extended down time, in house accounting expert projected damages utilizeing both historical financial information as well as tourism statistics to support the business income claim.

Older ownership then faced the decision of repairing the inn, selling the building in as in condition or demolition to sell the land ownership turned to Morgan Ryan to maximize settlement under these three different scenarios.  Based on ownership’s final decision, Morgan Ryan was able to negotiate the most favorable settlement.

Case Studies

Additional Successes

We’ve helped negotiate hundreds of claims over the years, here are a few successes we’d like to highlight.